Tuesday, May 7, 2013

New Yorker Cover Design

The New Yorker is known for their very interesting and creative cover illustrations. Your new assignment will be to design a project using water colored pencils to produce a design suitable for such a publication.

Normally the designs are comments on social issues like the changing seasons, holidays, political issues, and the like. As apposed to some drawing assignments, this one will require extra research and for you to come up with a "concept" or "original idea" and then draw it to fit within the confines of the format of the magazine.

You may go to the DeAnza library or the Internet for your research and find out the proper dimensions of the magazine. The other aid to your project would be to develop several thumbnail sketches of your intended design before you even begin to design your cover.

Also the mask-head of the cover should be the same size as that of the magazine.

This project will be due next Tuesday.

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