Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Contents for Your Portfolio

Your portfolio should be turned into me for grading the last day of class -- Thursday. It should contain at least the following assignments:

  • Morandi Ink Drawing Copy
  • Positive and Negative Design Assignment
  • Animate and Non Animate Project
  • Ideal Day Collage
  • Drawing from the Ideal Day Project
  • New York Cover Design
  • Favorite Object Project
  • Ink Wash Onion Drawing
  • 100 Dot Drawing
  • Value Scale Project
  • Color Pencil Exercise
  • Copy of Bones of Hands
  • Still Life Drawing (Done of In Class Setup -Drapery)
  • Large Plant Drawings (Done of In Class Setup)
  • Sketch Book (Minimum of 25 drawings/sketches)
  • Mixed Medium Drawing (We will do this drawing in class Thursday)

  • You may include extra drawing for extra credit (lease use ink only

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Ink drawings

The following ink drawings were created by Morandi.

Please bring pen and ink with you Thursday because we will be working with this medium for your new project.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Final Date and Times

The final for this class will be on June 25th between 6:15pm and 8:15pm. Prior to that date and on June 20th you are to turn in your portfoli to me for grading. I will return it to you the day of the final.

Your final will be, to select one or two projects that you believe to be very good drawings, and present them to the class. Along with this presentation, I would like for you to explain why you think they are good, and what you learned in the process of creating them.

There are possible extra points to be earned for this class. I will tell you more later what I would want for extra credit.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Two Animate and One Inanimate Object Plus one Pattern

Select two (2) Animate Objects and One Non-Inanimate Object and One Pattern to create your new drawing. Please continue to use water color pencils to make your composition.

This project will be due June 11. The scale of this project should be 9" x 12"

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Ideal Day collaqe project

Create a collage of your ideal life. From this collage you will draw your ideal day too. There should be at least seven images of the wonderful life you would like to live.

Also, I would like you to develop a color scheme for your drawing too. It is OK with me if you use a black and white color scheme as long as you add at least one color.

The point of this collage is to let your imagination to run wild -- nothing should be out of your thinking. Do not limit your ideas and most of all do have fun.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

When painting with water, move from lighter areas to darker areas. The brush will carry the darker colors into the light areas if you do not do this.
  Don't add pencil to wet areas; it creates a darker colour that won't change.
Shade lightly and evenly, deep marks may remain or groove the paper in places where you don't want them.
Test unexpected color combinations on a side sheet of watercolor paper or a multi media sketchbook. Try mixing complementary colors like orange and blue or yellow and violet. See whether mixing two dark colors like Indigo and Dark Brown may make a richer black than the black pencil. Sometimes layering the very bright colors in the right order and the right combination can give richer browns and grays than using the brown and gray pencils
 If you plan to add a background, you should do that first
 Your pencil marks and brush strokes should go with the contours of your subject
 If you notice an area is too dark before adding water, use a kneaded eraser to lighten it. Squeeze the eraser and press it flat against the area to be lightened. Peel it off, stretch and roll it, repeat till it's lightened. This is gentle enough that it won't damage the paper surface the way rubbing with other types of erasers will.
Above taken from Wiki How